Art Tools You'll Need


Here is a suggested list of tools and supplies to set you up for your best watercolor painting class experience. 

  • HB pencils (as well as any graphite B and 3B pencil)
  • White eraser (or kneaded eraser)
  • Watercolor paper (preferably 140 lb Cold press)
  • Blue painters tape
  • Poster board or wood board for surface to paint on
  • Palette (any size) with mixing tray attached
  • Watercolor paint - I prefer Winsor & Newton professional or Cotman (Student Grade)
  • Watercolors paints: Burnt Sienna, Lemon Yellow, Payne’s Gray, French Ultramarine Blue, Opera Rose, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber, Cadmium Red (Cad Free), Cadmium Yellow (Cad Free).

Tool and supplies being used by Wyn during class sessions are:

  • Princeton RealValue Paintbrush, Round 2,8,12, Stroke 3/4, Wash 1/2, Orange
  • Small spray bottle - to keep your palette wet
  • Basic hair dryer - speeds the drying process

You can add more colors as you go!